
Net pattern Learn more about Net pattern

  • Analysis of net cultivation pattern in the Transformation of Pear Orchard

    Analysis of net cultivation pattern in the Transformation of Pear Orchard

    Korla fragrant pear is one of the unique fruits in Aksu region. In 2003, the rare continuous low temperature in spring caused 621 hectares of fragrant pear to freeze to death, and the fruiting area of fragrant pear decreased by 1933 hectares due to wind injury, fruit drop at flowering stage and other natural factors. the direct loss reached 115 million yuan. In the past, the traditional measures to prevent and control freezing injury, such as smoking and wind barrier, can not resist the sudden drop of bad climate, so it is particularly urgent to solve the problem of freezing injury and wind injury of fragrant pear. The net cultivation mode is around the pear orchard.

  • Common culture patterns of California perch

    Common culture patterns of California perch

    Common culture patterns of California perch

  • Common culture patterns of Loach

    Common culture patterns of Loach

    Common culture patterns of Loach

  • Control of rhododendron crown net bug

    Control of rhododendron crown net bug

    Host and damage characteristics: damage to rhododendron and horse drunken flowers. The adult and nymph sucked leaf sap and excreted feces, resulting in needle-like white spots on the front of the leaves to all-white green, yellow on the back of the leaves, hindered plant photosynthesis, slow growth and early defoliation. Morphology and habits: the adult is small, flat, dark brown, nearly 4 mm long, and the membrane of the forewing is covered with reticulate patterns. The anterior chest dorsal plate extends forward to cover the head, and there is also a reticular pattern on it. In Guangzhou, about 10 generations occur every year, overwintering with adults and nymphs.

  • Planting performance and application prospect of different light and simple rice cropping patterns

    Planting performance and application prospect of different light and simple rice cropping patterns

    1. Planting performance of several light and simple rice cropping patterns 1.1.1. The yield of machine-transplanted rice was the highest with an average yield of 9000kg/hm2, followed by hand-cut rice with an average yield of 8850kg/hm2, throwing rice with an average yield of 8700kg/hm2, wheat-intercropped rice with an average yield of 8400kg/hm2, and direct-seeded rice with an average yield of 8250kg/hm2. 1.1.2 Number of panicles per unit. straight

  • Common intercropping patterns in cotton fields (3) interplanting patterns of cotton and potatoes

    Common intercropping patterns in cotton fields (3) interplanting patterns of cotton and potatoes

    The cotton and potato interplanting model has a large application area in northern Jiangsu, the symbiotic period of the two crops is not long, the mutual influence during the symbiotic period is small, and there is a complementary effect in fertilizer utilization. In the later stage of potato growth, there is enough fertilizer and water in the field, which is beneficial to cotton seedling emergence, and the double high yield of cotton and potato can be obtained. generally, the yield of potato is 2000-2500kg per mu, the yield of cotton is 80kg-100kg per mu, the output value per mu is 2500-3000 yuan, and the net income is 1500-2000 yuan. General border width of about 3 meters, cotton size row planting, large row spacing of 150 cm, small row

  • Do you want your succulent plants to live on the moon as the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches? Hand in hand to teach you how to make a simple and beautiful moon boat

    Do you want your succulent plants to live on the moon as the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches? Hand in hand to teach you how to make a simple and beautiful moon boat

    During the Mid-Autumn Festival, succulent plants should also touch the celebration of the festival. the moon boat is full of fragrance. Sincere wishes will teach you to make a "succulent moon boat" today. In fact, as long as you start to do it, it is really not complicated.

  • Privet inchworm

    Privet inchworm

    Scientific name: NaxaseriariaMotschulsky morphological characteristics: adult wing spread about 40 mm, slender body, yellow-white. The front and rear wings are thin, white and slightly transparent, with two rows of black stellate spots on the outer edge and a large black spot in each wing. The front wing also has a row of black and brown spots near the base angle. The eggs were white at first, then gradually changed to orange-red, shiny and arranged in the shape of beads. The larvae are about 30 mm long, dark brown, with inconspicuous black patterns and spots. Except for the chest foot and the eighth and ninth abdominal feet,

  • Where is it suitable to grow cantaloupe and how to plant it?

    Where is it suitable to grow cantaloupe and how to plant it?

    Where is it suitable to grow cantaloupe and how to plant it? Please introduce and guide the cantaloupe varieties introduced to the northwest in southeastern China. Because they can not adapt to the climatic conditions of small temperature difference, high humidity and insufficient light, they often show poor disease resistance, low sugar content, easy to crack on the surface of melon and so on.

  • Cantaloupe cantaloupe is suitable for protected cultivation in southeastern China.

    Cantaloupe cantaloupe is suitable for protected cultivation in southeastern China.

    1. Construction of greenhouse production line 1. Greenhouse structure: the greenhouse is made of arched plastic with a longitudinal pipe and four card grooves of 6.5m × 30m. The height of the shed is 3.2m, the height of the shoulder is 2.0m, the distance between the arches is 60cm, and the foot of the shed is inserted into the underground 35cm. A pressing groove is installed at the inflection point of the shoulder height of the greenhouse and at the 20cm of the foot of the shed from the ground.

  • What is cotton Fusarium wilt?

    What is cotton Fusarium wilt?

    What is cotton Fusarium wilt? What are the forms of expression? There are mainly the following kinds of cotton Fusarium wilt: ⑴ yellow net pattern. The veins of leaves first fade to yellow, and the mesophyll is still green, forming a yellow network. ⑵ yellowing type. Leaf veins remain green, mesophyll turns yellow, or leaf veins and mesophyll turn yellow. Chlorotic leaves from.

  • Novice flower cultivation: how many of these nine patterns of succulent death have you operated in summer?

    Novice flower cultivation: how many of these nine patterns of succulent death have you operated in summer?

    Summer is coming, and succulent plants do not want to live. I believe that many friends have such a problem: no matter how hard they take care of it, they always lose a pile of meat every summer. So, what are the ways to die for succulent plants? Need to note.

  • In what season are cantaloupes opened?

    In what season are cantaloupes opened?

    Cantaloupe usually blossoms in summer and ripens from July to September. However, through the cultivation of modern technology, some mature and put on the market around May, and the latest will be after October. In addition, cantaloupe can be divided into early ripening, middle ripening and late ripening according to the mature stage, and the shape, skin pattern and

    2020-11-09 Cantaloupe what is it season open yes cantaloupe general in
  • What about the drug damage of netted melon?

    What about the drug damage of netted melon?

    Netted melon is a kind of cantaloupe, because the pericarp is green, with gray or yellow stripes, very similar to the reticulate name, sweet taste like fragrant pear, very popular, then how to do drug damage? One, net grain melon medicine harm how to do? The drug damage of netted melon is mild and not necessary.

    2020-11-08 Net pattern melon drug damage how to do net pattern yes cantaloupe
  • How to identify pear bugs

    How to identify pear bugs

    (1)Pear net bug: ① adult: body length about 3.5 mm, flat, dark brown. Small head, broad wings, dark black compound eyes, no monocular. Proterodorsal plate raised on both sides of the wing-like, translucent, which have network patterns. The front wings are slightly rectangular, and two are at rest.

    2020-11-08 species pear tree how identification bug pear net
  • Introduction of thick-skinned melon species and sowing time of Xianghua / Enhua / Fuhua / Tianhua muskmelon

    Introduction of thick-skinned melon species and sowing time of Xianghua / Enhua / Fuhua / Tianhua muskmelon

    Melon, is one of our common fruits, it tastes sweet, a bit like cantaloupe, very popular with consumers, melon varieties are also more, melon sweetening tips, can make melons sweet, let's take a look at the introduction of thick-skinned melon varieties

    2019-06-12 Thick skin melon species variety introduction Xianghua Enhua Fuhua
  • Common leech farming patterns

    Common leech farming patterns

    Common leech farming patterns

  • Common intercropping patterns in cotton fields (5) intercropping patterns between cotton and lilies

    Common intercropping patterns in cotton fields (5) intercropping patterns between cotton and lilies

    Cotton and lily intercropping is a cotton field intercropping model widely used in coastal and dry sandy soil areas along the river. the two crops have little influence on each other and are beneficial to each other in fertilizer utilization, but it should be noted that lilies can not be continuous cropping and must be rotated. The intercropping model generally has a width of about 3 meters, planting cotton in rows of size, with a large row spacing of 140 cm and a small row spacing of 50 cm, and 4 rows of cotton in one row. Six rows of lilies were planted in large rows of cotton, with a row spacing of 20 cm, a plant spacing of 20 cm and a plant spacing of 5000 cm per mu. Cotton seedlings and transplanting, planted on both sides of the border, per mu

  • Basic knowledge of planting Dendrobium candidum

    Basic knowledge of planting Dendrobium candidum

    Basic knowledge of planting Dendrobium candidum

  • Huang Zunyi: the Leader of Peasants getting Rich

    Huang Zunyi: the Leader of Peasants getting Rich

    Huang Zunyi: the Leader of Peasants getting Rich
